Case Study: Nokia Lumia

Aircraft wraps improve aerodynamics, reduce weight and provide performance gains by utilizing vinyl wraps. Vinyl has become an industry standard for multiple applications. Its durability, aerodynamic values and weight savings show why it is used more and more in the aviation industry and has become an integral part of airline advertising.

There is no end to what you can have and you can conceive various creatives to reinvent the look of aircraft and brand products what with the varieties in wraps – starting from gloss, semi-gloss, matte, satin, etc. Along with these color finishes, there is also textured vinyl in dozens of styles such as carbon fiber, brushed metals, leather, etc.

What better way to soar the skies than in an aircraft that is brilliantly enhanced with some aviation vinyl graphics? Planes don’t need to be plain and you can definitely add some flair to your aircraft with custom created vinyl wraps according to your choice. Airplane wraps have been in vogue for quite some time now and they have been just improving by the decade now.

The look of the aircraft is totally changed and it has proved to be a powerful tool to brand products as the audience, the airline passengers, look up in aspiration and seek newer flying experiences. As assortment of solid color vinyls with different substrates like candy, pearl and colored chrome finishes can also be used to change the appearance of the planes. A well customized wrap might just be what your brand needs to capture the upmarket audience.

Now, aircraft vinyl is highly specialized and formulated to withstand extreme temperature changes in ascents and descents. This vinyl has tiny holes which allows for fuselage pressure changes which prevents the vinyl from coming off.

With technology of the vinyls improved, it has become an extremely efficient way to advertise brands and make an authoritative presence and have high recall values as well. In fact, it is one of the most sought after spaces for advertising in the airline advertising spaces.